Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Brochure ideas

American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is a nationally recognized organization that helps people overcoming cancer, people who have overcome cancer, and helping others to find a cure. Their goal is to eliminate cancer all together and to help people fight back. Cancer affects almost everyone today; whether it’s a loved one, a friend, or through someone you know. Personally I have been very lucky to not have it directly affect my family, but knowing someone dealing with this illness is just as heartbreaking. You begin to feel helpless; and through The American Cancer Society you may begin to find help, peace, and a way to give back. The American Cancer Society does research to help prevent this illness from hurting anymore families and they work to detect and eliminate cancer at it’s earliest stage. There are so many events that stem off of The American Cancer Society such as Relay For Life, or even my own personal 5K I direct at the gym that I work at; Race For A Cause. These are all events to raise money to donate to The American Cancer Society to help alleviate the effects of cancer on all.

Canalside Buffalo

Canalside Buffalo is a place for families to come and enjoy a beautiful sunny day full of fun activities for all ages. There is always something going on at Canalside. It wasn’t always this way though; Canalside sat as a pile of rocks and dirt for years before a group finally restored it’s greatness and the historic area became “the place to be”. At Canalside you can see so much history of Buffalo; the naval ships, the erie canal, the grain elevators, and so much more. It’s an exciting place to be because not only are you able to reflect on Buffalo’s history, but you can also enjoy fun activities while doing so. In the winter they offer various activities such as, ice skating, curling, ride on the ice bikes created here in Buffalo, grab food from the food trucks and food stands, children’s carnival rides, and pond hockey. In the warmer months you can sit at multiple outdoor bars and have a drink, grab lunch or dinner, ride on the water bikes or paddle boats, go to a free concert, take multiple fitness classes, and so much more! This is an exciting environment for all Buffalonians to check out!

Buffalo’s Farmers Market

Farmers markets are great because it is a way for us to buy healthy home grown fruits and vegetables instead of buying them from the grocery store and not knowing what may have been used on them. It’s also a great way to support our local farmers! Farmers markets are a fun way to get the groceries that you may need. It’s not only people selling their fruits and vegetables but there’s usually other vendors like a local winery with samples, a woman who bakes cookies out of her home selling the cookies she makes, local artists showing and selling their artwork, local cheeses and sauces. There is so much to see at a Farmers Market. It’s a lot more fun and exciting to enjoy the warm days walking around a farmers market checking everything out rather than walking into a huge grocery store. And the best part, is that you’re supporting all these local vendors so that they may keep growing and making their awesome products so that we may continue to enjoy them.