Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Courtney's Web

In today’s society having access to someone’s profile and portfolio online makes things so much more simple. It seems today everything is available online. For a potential employer to be able to visit a website and view your work and find out about you shows that you not only are professional but that you are also experienced in technology. My website will be used to promote myself by representing me and my personality as well as portraying my work for potential employers and other professionals to view. It will give them an idea of who I am and what I have accomplished.
By linking my social media accounts to my website potential employers or other professionals may view my profiles and see what I am interested in and what activities I am involved in. This will help them to get a better understanding of who I am and it will offer them a way to stay in contact with me and to network.
It was new and interesting using dreamweaver to create my website. Seeing all the code that is required and how one little thing can affect the whole website is amazing. I enjoyed creating my website because I was able to make it to how I wanted it to look and personalize it. By including a professional picture of myself, whomever views my site can not only read about me and my accomplishments, but also get a visual of who I am. By adding the header it personalizes the website a bit more to my personality and who I am as a person.

Although most of the website was made for us a complete, each student was able to make it their own. I would be interested in learning how to make my own website completely but even just seeing how much work is involved and how you really need to be aware of every little thing you do is a lot. I liked working in Dreamweaver because it was something different from what we have worked in all semester.