Good Design
This business card not only communicates immediately that it is for yoga; but also does so in a humorous way. The way they used the finger holes to complete the pictures makes the business card interactive and fun. This is a good way for people to remember your business. The simplicity of the reverse side with the contact information is perfect so that this business card doesn't become too cluttered. Also, the slogan "get stretchy" at the top is great placement because it helps you to get a better idea of what is going on with the image and the point of it.
This flyer garbs your attention immediately with the large BBQ in the center. This works well because it tells you what the flyer is for and its the first thing your eye goes to. Then it flows into the image below it which symbolizes a BBQ. This flyer has a great flow and your eye moves nicely through the information provided. Also the colors used are consistent throughout the flyer as well as the repeat in fonts. Using the same fonts in different spots shows repetition and ties everything together nicely.

This brochure works well because although the front cover has a lot on it, it shows what the brochure is all about and its a fun a bright colored design. The bright colors with the dark background makes the images stand out and pop more. on the inside the imaged continued along with the information keeps the brochure visually satisfying. The repetition of the colors creates a completion to the brochure over all and keeps it looking organized and clean.
Bad Design
A business card like this on the other hand is not as appealing; there are too many words and the white glow behind the words is unattractive. This business card has too much going on. There are a lot of colors and everything looks very crammed on the card. The glow around the word "Founder" is much too close to the image of the person being represented. The colors chosen for the background as well as the image. which is an odd choice in itself, do not make the business card pop and pleasing to the eye.

The use of font and color in the flyer is straining on the eyes. There is too much going on in this flyer and the lack of images does not give a good visual. At the top the very fist font is too hard to read and throughout the flyer the words that have a 3-D effect with multiple colors almost causes a headache. When looking at this flyer the eye doesn't know where to focus and what to look at next.

This brochure has a lot going on; it looks too crowded and messy. Although there is repetition of images there seems to be too much which makes everything look very cluttered. The use of images is good in a brochure but in this case there are too many. There should be more information and the type should be formatted better. Everything looks very scattered right now and unappealing.